Posted on Sep 23, 2014
We wish to inform you that all ticket buyers who purchased North Sea Jazz Hong Kong 2014 tickets via One2 Ticketing website have been fully refunded. Thank you for your patience during the process and for supporting North Sea Jazz Hong Kong.
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Posted on Sep 16, 2014
North Sea Jazz Hong Kong 2014 Cancelled It is with great regret that we have to announce the cancellation of the North Sea Jazz Hong Kong Festival, originally scheduled for November 14, 15, 16, 2014. One2 Entertainment and Mojo Concerts jointly decided to cancel the event due to unsatisfactory ticket sales and the fact that no more headliners are expected to confirm on short notice. We would like to offer our sincere apologies for any inconvenience. Ticket buyers will be fully refunded and contacted by One2 Entertainment/One2 Ticketing as soon as possible. For any questions, please contact One2 Entertainment: We would like to thank all who have supported the festival so far. One2 Entertainment and Mojo Concerts still believe that the festival concept is perfect for the City of Hong Kong and will continue to explore possibilities for a 2015 edition. North Sea Jazz Hong Kong 2014宣佈取消 由於時間關係主辦單位未能與更多藝人團隊落實合作,以及門票銷售未如理想,One2 Entertainment以及Mojo Concerts決定取消North Sea Jazz Hong Kong 2014。 我們向所有受影響人士致以深切歉意。One2 Entertainment及One2 Ticketing即日將會與已購門票之人士聯絡安排退款事宜。如有任何查詢,請電郵至。 在此我們希望與一直支持本次音樂節之人士致以萬分感謝。One2 Entertainment以及Mojo...
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